Home Funny Videos 5 Hilarious Commercials from Super Bowl 2011

5 Hilarious Commercials from Super Bowl 2011

by derek

Bridgestone – “Carma”


Some idiot wrote on YouTube, “isn’t it spelled Karma?” Well yes…but this is “Car.ma-[kahr-ma].” As revealed in the sneak peak commercial; Carma is a pun on “Karma” and is “the belief that one’s good driving deed does not go unrewarded.” After the spelling issue was clearly answered on YouTube another user wrote, “I found Karma on dictionary (dot) com but not Carma.” Really?

E-Trade – “Tailor”


This is absolutely hilarious. E-Trade always comes up with great, witty commercials. “Next thing ya know, he’s got a stunning portfolio. Now he planning on retiring in Tuscany…we’re both pretty emotional about it…shhh….don’t say a word.”

Volkswagen – “The Force”


Screw the Volkswagen, where did the kid get that costume? This commercial went completely viral due to the intense “cuteness” of this faceless child.

Doritos – “Healing Chips”


I must admit- I thought this commercial was lame and was confused by its high reviews…until that last 5 seconds.

Careerbuilder – “Parking Log”


One of my favorites. I don’t care how crappy you say your job is. If you go to work with chimps, your job is awesome.

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