Home Design Harry Potter Themed Stiletto Heels

Harry Potter Themed Stiletto Heels

by max4u

Harry Potter Themed Stiletto Heels 001
Reddit user akasha446 posted these delightful pics on Tuesday with the caption, “Harry Potter shoes for my wedding.”

According to the post, the shoes were hand painted by the bride’s sister-in-law for the Big Day. As to who wore what? The bride got to rock the black Harry Potter and Hogwarts stilettos, while the bridesmaids each wore a pair representing the four houses: Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin.

Luckily, he who shall not be named never RSVP’d.

Harry Potter Themed Stiletto Heels 002
Via: huffingtonpost.com, AdmireStudios.com

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