Home Other Top 5 Funny Fad Diets

Top 5 Funny Fad Diets

by Guest Author

Every woman I ever dated was obsessed with her weight. Every month was a new fad diet and a new failure. In a world where everyone wants results with very little effort these fad diets gained popularity among the larger masses. That raised the question, “what are the funniest and weirdest fad diets?” Here are my top 5 all time favorites in order.


5. The Bread Diet:

This diet recommends eating almost an entire loaf of light bread each day. The point is to use the bread to stop food craving and in turn show results that could total losing 20 pounds in 8 weeks. If I recall this diet has been around for centuries in third world prisons. It doesn’t seem that appealing to me.


4. The Pocket Diet:

The premise of this diet is to only eat things you can fit into a pita. Being a connoisseur of Gyro’s I know how much I can stuff in a pita. According to this diet you can eat whatever you want as long as it fits into this little bread pocket. It also suggests different recipes for each meal. In spirit of this diet I also came up with my own recipe for a pocket dessert.

Deep fry 1 pita pocket and sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon.

Fill the pita with the ice cream of your choice

Drizzle chocolate and caramel over the ice cream and enjoy!

3. The Beer and Ice Cream Diet:

Until I ran across this one, I never knew I was even on a diet. And I can say it doesn’t work. Basically the idea is that it takes calories to heat what you ingest, so eating ice cream and drinking cold beer will burn calories as you raise it to body temperature. If you are constantly busy, try a beer float and take your lunch to go. If you are an alcoholic with a sweet tooth you can be fit in no time!


2. The Bombay Diet:

The latest diet fad sweeping the nation and inspired by stray cats, the Bombay Diet suggests getting worms. By plaguing yourself with parasitic intestinal worms, you lose weight naturally and quickly. Eat what you want and sleep as much as you like, the parasites do the work for you. No thank you. The only step from that diet is getting mange and being neutered. The world has enough parasites, let’s not create more.


1. The Amputation Diet:

This is my all time favorite. The amputation diet is fast, effective, and permanent. After losing the weight there’s no way you can gain it back. As the name suggests, if you want to lose weight, just cut it off. I think the only thing worse than think up this idea is the fact that someone actually did enough research to show how much you would lose by cutting off each body part. Here are a few of the parts that will give you the best weight loss results:

Amputating your arm: Lose10-25 lbs

Amputate your leg: Lose 15-45 lbs

Donate a kidney: 3 lbs

Cut off your head: You won’t care about your weight anymore!

So whether you are looking to lose 20 lbs or 100 lbs, the diets we mentioned may be what you are looking for. If you are dead serious about losing weight, just cut it off. My suggestion is simple, let these fad diets fade away and just eat right and exercise.

About the author: A UK resident, Tony Laughton is a personal trainer and nutrition consultant. Tony suggests checking online for your gym supplements, where you will find more detailed information and savings on items such as PhD diet whey.

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